Some of you may have heard that I do not like Trump. In fact I really don’t like him. He reminds me of my Father who died 2 days ago. My Dad would talk about himself mostly, and all the wonderful things he has done. He was his favorite subject, and an abusive alcoholic who was very difficult to be around. I thought that was normal, turns out he was a narcissistic ego-maniac. So I have posted some things on social media over the years showing my dislike for Trump, and I have gotten some strong reactions. I did this yesterday, and I was met with death threats, some lady wanting our shop looted, many people wanting my business destroyed, was called a communist, and that was only reading 40 or so of the 100s of comments. There were lots of people supporting and feeling the same way, many in private as coming out in public is outright dangerous.

So I tried to talk to my wife about this, and she got angry and upset. She is fearful of these people, there is no telling what they will do. She’s lived with some terrible racism all her life. We’re both minorities along with most of our employees, but I look a lot whiter than her and my experience has been very different. So I pulled the posts off social media. Many said I needed to do so as it would destroy my business, but that’s not the case. We have almost 100 inquiries that have gone unanswered as we are really too busy to field them all. We have WAY too much business, more than we can handle.

Now some perspective, we’ve sold to companies and individuals that don’t agree with our agenda, or political views. Hey some probably hated Obama. That is their right, and who am I to judge. We all have our beliefs shaped by our past. But I have found that disagreeing with the conservatives or Trump publicly causes utter chaos including death threats. Now why is that? Isn’t this a free country? Does free speech only go one way? Support the president (not Obama) or leave? Aren’t conservatives aware that Jesus was a protestor who was for the poor and underrepresented? The lady hoping we got looted and that gave us a 1 star rating on Google for no reason was talking ill about Obama on her Youtube channel. Hmm, isn’t she a fucking hypocrite? Na, it’s ok to put Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan down but disrespect Trump and you and your business should be destroyed. After all, Trump has been the most respectful honest loving president since Abraham Lincoln. And thank god he’s brought the country together. I feel the unity, as our cities burn, and the virus goes for a second round.

I have discovered there is no “converting” a Trump fan, and why should I? It’s not my job to do this, nor should they try to convert me. So I am putting this out there, I don’t like Trump, don’t trust him at all. I don’t trust any politician who has taken money from the lobbyists. Power & greed corrupts. Our system is broken, it favors the rich. The more money I made in the business, the less taxes I paid. Now most years I pay zero, sounds fair right? It’s all about who you know. Pay the right lawyers and CPAs or officials, and get more for yourself. And I have a former IRS commissioner and Senators working for that tax credit of ours. If I get audited, they pop in and fix it. That is how things work. And it’s not just here in the USA, but everywhere that humans are.

So I will turn off comments for this post. Not looking for a pat on the back, sympathy, or more vile hatred. And thanks to those that have been supportive through all of this. The love has been amazing. After all, we are all motivated by the same thing, the need to love and feel loved. And Trump needs a hug.

(Edit 5/2/2023)

I forgot I posted this. Ooof, I was a little angry back then hehe! But this has aged well as the orange one is on trial for raping a friend of mine a long while back, and was indicted by a black DA. And is about to be indicted by a black woman DA! Ouch that must sting for the fallen orange supreme overlord! Many of his associates were jailed, prosecuted, and he pardoned some of them. And his lawyers are being sanctioned over and over, with some looking at being disbarred. I mean his main lawyer was in a Borat movie taking his pants off with a young girl in a hotel room LOL!

It is nice seeing justice working its way, albeit slowly, extremely slowly. And there seems to be no chance in hell the orange one is getting out of this without a long jail sentence. Many of his mega-fans have slowly disavowed him. I knew he was done with when my neighbor took down their huge T%^$# 2024 flag the day of the final J6 hearing. I know it sucks to believe a liar, and finally come to the conclusion they are a liar. My dad told me he was a karate champion with lethal hands, and an assassin in his younger days, none of which was true. But I believed it as kids do.

And Fox, the main spreader of his lies, is going down in flames. All of this makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I’ve gotten a few more threats over the last year, out of nowhere, by anonymous people that must have found this post, or something else. Also got some 1 star ratings from people who are in love with the orange one. I don’t have time for that nonsense anymore, I’ve got some rush orders to crank out, and a beach with my name on it.