Mid Priced Woods
Ash – Black Lacquered With Strong Grain
Ash – Light Finish With Strong Grain
Ash – Medium Finish With Strong Grain
Ash – Dark Finish With Strong Grain
Lower Priced Woods
We are now offering veneer tops which run about half the cost of our premium tops. They will look more exquisite than our premium tops with book matched grain, but don’t quite have the durability. Mahogany and Oak coming soon…
Steel Finishes
Natural Steel – This finish is just the raw steel which is cleaned and clear coated. It shows more of the natural imperfections in the steel.

Black Patina – A more uniform finish, darker than Natural.

Marbled Patina – The top on this Bronx has a special Marbled Patina. The process has more texture with a marbled effect. The second and third picture are in sunlight so the effect is more pronounced.

Aged Paint – In addition to steel finishes, we can add an Aged Paint to any design in any color.

New Paint – Change the look of any of our designs with your favorite color.

Chrome – Plating services available too.

Top Trim Options
Our 3 standard trim options for wood tops are Bolted Corners, Riveted Edge, and Wood Edge. The metal trim was traditionally used to protect the wood edge from damage. The bolted corners add an extra layer to that.

Riveted Edge can be Top Mount or Under Mount. Top Mount means the frame is flush with the wood on the top. The Under Mount has riveted frame on the side and under the wood. We use angle iron for both frames, which is in the shape of an “L”.

Our 2 standard trim options for steel tops are Bolted Corners & Riveted Edge. The Riveted Edge can have optional Bolted Corners.